Sunday, March 30, 2014

To Read or Not to Read

This discussion is about picking up a book you've already started!

I'm having a mid-book crisis. I bought Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand over a year ago, and with being caught up in other things and other books, I've only managed to get a quarter of the way through. And if you've picked up the book, you know that's kind of an accomplishment. If you don't know what I'm talking about, the book is 1168 pages. Yes, you read that right. And on top of that, the font is tiny. Tiny, minuscule, so small that your grandma couldn't read a single word with her extra strength reading glasses.

So here is my dilemma. I want to finish the book, but I'm unsure of whether or not to restart the book or continue from where I ended off. Especially with a book that long.

What's your opinion? If you've left a book untouched for a while, do you pick it up and start again, or continue where you've left off? Let me know in the comments!

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